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The Filter Bubble is a Frankenstein. 
And no one knows how to fix it.


we know how to fix them.
learn more or join the fight.

#FreeSpeech Victories

ACLU MN, Anti-Defamation League, Coded Bias documentary team, Bytes media, 

thank you to our clients and partners

for proving diverse citizens can still put their differences aside and fight for our reality, sanity, and national security.

Robots don't understand

and will cancel us

without forgiveness.

The IDH's Free Speech and Hate Speech solutions - for teachers,

lawyers, politicians, programmers

and advocates -- ensure that we


But we do.

Tech companies, schools, and politicians don't know how to
save us in time.


But we do.

Tech companies, schools, and politicians don't know how to
save us in time.


And the AI Information Apocalypse will send us back to the dark ages.

Disinformation and digital division are driving us to insanity and civil war.

The IDH's Free Speech initiatives focus on

giving the power and freedom of speech

back to the humans, while determining

how to balance (1) vigorously protecting

our fellow humans from dangerous hate

speech, and (2), ensuring that tech

companies honor our First Amendment


ACLU MN, Anti-Defamation League, Coded Bias documentary team, Bytes media, 

thank you to our clients and partners

for proving diverse citizens can still put their differences aside and fight for our reality, sanity, and national security.




The Filter Bubble is a Frankenstein. 
And no one knows how to fix it.

Every bipartisan, multi-faith, and cross-cultural
IDH partnership helps #FreeSpeech:
Bursting the bubble heals communities that have been
algorithmically put at odds and helping to get valuable
information to both sides of the bubble.

#FreeSpeech Victories

Cross-Cultural Communication

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

Information Warfare

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

Disinformation & Misinformation

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

minneapolis facial recognition ban

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IDH Journalism Network

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

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Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

news appearnaces

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

A Quick Message From the IDH's Inagural Class 

idh research & development

ai is creating the civil rights battle of our lifetime

idh research & development

Here's what our methodologies can do.

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

Left liberal higher ed and became a diversity hire at a Evangelical school in 2018 to try to save America... using the 1st  Amendment and technology ethics as a bridge to bring the left and right -- and Christians, Muslims, and Jewish-Americans -- back together.

And, f**k me, it worked. 

Here's what we are, what we do, and what we can do with you.

Cross-Cultural Communication

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

Information Warfare

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

Disinformation & Misinformation

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

minneapolis facial recognition ban

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IDH Journalism Network

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

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Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

news appearnaces

Our proven and peer-reviewed IDH methodologies for triangulating truthful news and different perspectives are based on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on how to both fact check news sources and catalyze/curate stories for all communities to learn from.

©2023 The Institute for Digital Humanity

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