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The IDH has the blueprint and the story to fix post-digital America.


when a longtime Technology Ethics and First Amendment professor -- tired of preaching to the liberal choir in higher education while the country collapsed --crossed the filter bubble and took a gig as a "diversity hire" at a conservative Evangelical college.

 His mission: Bring the left and right together to fight for our post-digital future.

It started as an experiment...

when his new students and a childhood friend (and former Assistant Attorney General) from across the aisle created the IDH, and proved that people  -- conservatives, liberals, Christians, Muslims, and Jewish-Americans -- could put their differences aside and fight for our digital civil rights.

It grew into something magical...

And then everything went to hell

But these kids never quit.

And our community bailed us out.

And then everything went to hell...

But these kids never quit.

And our community bailed us out.

So now we're back.
Because as weird as it sounds
we might be the only
organization with the
holistic & teachable
bi-partisan solutions
(and the story)
to fix post-digital America
(or at least our colleges)
in time.

But the clock is running out.

The IDH works because we know
what we're doing.

This isn't our first rodeo.  For twenty years we've been building non-partisan networks and curriculum on digital ethics. The IDH succeeds -- and others can't -- because we follow five principles:

Luckily, our Black Mirror meets Dead Poet's Society meets Mad Max origin story is as funny as it is unbelievable.

And we filmed/documented nearly everything.

So we are writing a book and looking for producers for a documentary and/or podcast to coincide with our interactive and experiential coaching, training, and educational programs.

If interested, contact:


Luckily, our Black Mirror meets Dead Poet's Society meets Mad Max origin story is as funny as it is unbelievable.

And we filmed/documented nearly everything.

So we are writing a book and looking for producers for a documentary and/or podcast to coincide with our interactive and experiential coaching, training, and educational programs.

If interested, contact:



This isn't about ego.  It's about protecting our democracy, sanity, reality, and civil rights
in the face of a generation-defining

The next nine months are critical.

We are down to work with, train,
or license IP to  anyone.

But we need cash to level up fast.

This citizen and student powered
digital ethics Batmobile is ready to go.

But it needs gas.   Like, right now.

Because the fight for a just, free, and sane 
digital world for everyone is not over.

And with your help, we all will win.

But these kids never quit.

And our community bailed us out.

No offense to our allies, competitors, and elected officials,  but this isn't our first rodeo.  For twenty years we've been building non-partisan networks and curriculum on digital ethics. The IDH succeeds -- and others can't -- because we follow five principles:

It works because we know
what we're doing.

No offense to our allies, competitors, and elected officials,  but this isn't our first rodeo.  For twenty years we've been building non-partisan networks and curriculum on digital ethics. The IDH succeeds -- and others can't -- because we follow five principles:

Support the IDH

This isn't about ego.  It's about protecting our democracy, sanity, reality, and civil rights in the face of a generation-defining crisis.

The next nine months are critical.

We are down to work with, train, or lease IP to  anyone.

This citizen and student powered digital ethics
Batmobile is ready to go.

But it needs gas.   Like, right now.

Because the fight for a just, free, and sane 
digital world for everyone is not over.

And with your help, we all will win.

No offense to our allies, competitors, and elected officials,  but this isn't our first rodeo.  For twenty years we've been building non-partisan networks and curriculum on digital ethics. The IDH succeeds -- and others can't -- because we follow five principles:

It works because we know
what we're doing.

So now we're back.
Because as weird as it sounds we might be the only
organization with the holistic & teachable
bi-partisan solutions
(and the story)
to fix post-digital America
(or at least our colleges)
in time.

But the clock is running out.

The IDH works because we know
what we're doing.

This isn't our first rodeo.  For twenty years we've been building non-partisan networks
and curriculum on digital ethics. The IDH succeeds -- and others can't --
because we follow five principles:



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